2016年6月9日 星期四


【尼希米記5:1-13】12  眾人說:「我們必歸還,不再向他們索要,必照你的話行。」我就召了祭司來,叫眾人起誓,必照著所應許的而行。【NIV】"We will give it back," they said. "And we will not demand anything more from them. We will do as you say." Then I summoned the priests and made the nobles and officials take an oath to do what they had promised.
13  我也抖著胸前的衣襟,說:「凡不成就這應許的,願神照樣抖他離開家產和他勞碌得來的,直到抖空了。」會眾都說:「阿們!」又讚美耶和華。百姓就照著所應許的去行。【NIV】I also shook out the folds of my robe and said, "In this way may God shake out of their house and possessions anyone who does not keep this promise. So may such a person be shaken out and emptied!" At this the whole assembly said, "Amen," and praised the Lord. And the people did as they had promised.



George Huang 烤蕃薯@Taipei 2016
